While in England last September, I was fortunate enough to see a few of the places where filming took place in the first two movies (both directed by Chris Columbus -- his movies were a bit more lighthearted than those that followed). I'm going to try to capture those photos here:
Interestingly, just a very short walk from here is the pub where Charles Dickens spent a lot of time doing his writing and hanging out with other writers.
The shop used for The Leaky Cauldron is almost difficult to identify with the bright blue paint. In the movie, the entire thing is painted black -- including the windows -- and there is a book store next door (the shop painted red here).
Note: by the time the third movie was made "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", an entirely different building was used. When Ern stops the Night Bus in front of the pub to drop off Harry, it's just a flat building -- totally nondescript and boring.
After getting all of their supplies in Diagon Alley (at Olivander's Wand Shop, Flourish and Blots, Eyelops Owl Emporium, Madame Malkin's Robes, etc), Hagrid and Harry head for the train station. Hagrid gives Harry his ticket and leaves him on the pedestrian bridge over the tracks. This is that pedestrian bridge (I'm standing on it to take the picture of the train station). It's located in York -- several hours north of London.
Once inside the station, Harry needs to get to Platform
9 3/4, which means that he has to go through a brick wall just like this one. With the sign out of the way, and the electrical boxes moved, there would be signs saying Platform 9 on one side and Platform 10 on the other. That black and red thing is a train although, sadly, not the Hogwarts Express!
This was used in the second movie as well: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."
During both movies, the students of Hogwarts are often seen walking along hallways that are open on one side onto a courtyard. These are actually cloisters from the abbey where the filming took place. [A cloister is basically a covered walkway that was used by nuns or monks to get from one section of a church (or living quarters) to the main church]. The cloisters here are part of Lacock Abbey where much filming was done for the first two movies.
This is a view of the cloisters from the opposite side of the square across the open courtyard. Some of the scenes in the movies were filmed with snow on the window sills and in the courtyard. A fountain was placed in the middle of this courtyard for the filming and there are scenes from the first movie with Dumbledore walking near the fountain.
Also at Lacock Abbey is the dungeon classroom of Professor Snape. Although it was a bit rainy the day I was there, it still wasn't dark and overpowering as it is in the movies. Still, it was easy to imagine the room full of desks and shelves of slimy unnamed things from Professor Snape's collection.
Another look at Professor Snape's classroom with the arching support columns and big black cauldron.
This home is also located in Lacock and was used as the home of James & Lily Potter -- where they were the night that Lord Voldemort came for them.
In "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", Harry and Ron take off for Hogwarts in a flying car when the portal to Platform 9 3/4 is sealed. As they take off, they fly over "King's Cross Station", which is actually the exterior of St. Pancras International right across the street from the real King's Cross station.
And, finally, two entrances to the Ministry of Magic: the phone booth used by Mr. Weasley to take Harry to the Wizengamot hearing, and the other entrance used when the Death Eaters had taken over the Ministry at the end.